Innovation and craftsmanship for circular creativity. Custom Regeneration combines contemporary esthetics and recovered materials to give objects a second life.
We are committed daily to sustainable development, following the 17 goals set by the United Nations as a strategy for a
“better and more sustainable future for everybody”.

Goal 1: Zero PovertyWe are committed to creating sustainable jobs, promoting equality, reducing discrimination and social exclusion, both in Italy and in the least developed countries, working to ensure that the poorest and most vulnerable have equal rights to economic resources, together with access to basic services.

Goal 2: Zero HungerWe are looking for new solutions to help achieve this goal. We always remain open to your proposals and suggestions.

Goal 3: Good health and well-being for peopleWe are looking for new solutions to help achieve this goal. We always remain open to your proposals and suggestions.

Goal 4: Equal and quality educationWe promote vocational training and the transfer of technical and specific skills between young people and adults for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship. We build disability-sensitive projects that ensure equitable access to training for protected groups and inclusive learning environments for all.

Goal 5: Gender equalityWe support and promote gender equality, guaranteeing the recognition of equal rights, especially professional, to all people indiscriminately, both within our team and network of collaborators.

Goal 6: Clean water and sanitationWe are looking for new solutions to help achieve this goal. We always remain open to your proposals and suggestions.

Goal 7: Clean and accessible energyWe are looking for new solutions to help achieve this goal. We always remain open to your proposals and suggestions.

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growthWe promote a form of generative welfare that, through the circular economy, creates shared value and allows each person involved to feel socially and professionally active and to achieve their goals. We encourage the development of decent jobs for women and men, including young people and people with disabilities, that stimulate economies and at the same time do not harm the environment.

Goal 9: Businesses, Innovation and InfrastructuresWe are looking for new solutions to help achieve this goal. We always remain open to your proposals and suggestions.

Goal 10: Reduce inequalitiesWe work hard to reduce inequalities and enhance the social, economic and political inclusion of all, regardless of age, sex, disability, health status, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic status or otherwise.

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communitiesWe support growth that improves the use of resources and reduces pollution and poverty, promoting the development of participatory and sustainable communities that implement policies aimed at inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Goal 12: Responsible consumption and productionWe implement a sustainable model of production and consumption, which aims to "do more and better with less", increasing the benefits in terms of well-being derived from economic activities through the reduction of resources used, degradation and pollution throughout the production cycle, thus improving the quality of life. We engage in a systemic and cooperative process with different stakeholders, from the producer to the consumer, including businesses, non-profits, policy makers, retailers, media, consumers.

Goal 13: Climate changeWe implement a sustainable model of production and consumption, providing affordable and flexible solutions to build cleaner and more resilient economies.

Goal 14: Life under waterWe are looking for new solutions to help achieve this goal. We always remain open to your proposals and suggestions.

Goal 15: Life on earthWe are looking for new solutions to help achieve this goal. We always remain open to your proposals and suggestions.

Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutionsWe are looking for new solutions to help achieve this goal. We always remain open to your proposals and suggestions.

Goal 17: Partnership for GoalsWe are committed to creating synergies between the different actors of the socio-economic fabric, in order to build an ecosystem built on a common vision, based on sustainable development, that focuses on people and the planet.

2030 Agenda2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action program for people, the planet and prosperity.